Because of Russia's attack on Ukraine and the war crimes I will no longer sell to Russian customers.
I believe that trade brings people together, but Russia has now taken a step that is totally unacceptable. So from now on I will neither buy anything from Russia for my own collection nor sell to Russian customers as long as Putin is in charge of the country. The violations of a sovereign country and Putin making threats of using atom weapons are totally unacceptable.
I know many people in Russia are against this war. There are a lot of great people in the country, and I have had big sympathy for the Russian people who are being pushed down. And I will keep following my Russian friends on Instagram and elsewhere. I want to thank the Russians who stand up against the madness, I know it is hard and that it is punished, but it is the only way the madman Putin can be stopped. And finally but most importantly, I send my best wishes to my Ukrainian X-girlfriend and husband, her family, and the brave people of Ukraine. Bless you!
