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110 mm Botryoidal Marcasite from Kjørholt

$ 124.99



Dalen-Kjørholt Mine, Brevik, Porsgrunn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway

Size: 52x110x65 mm (374 gram)


Very interesting botryoidal marcasite. It is a nice specimen from an unusual locality showing lots of lustrous, iridescent marcasite crystals.

I am not quite sure when it was found, but the only ones I can find on Mindat that looks like this are from level 190-N, found in the year 2000. That should match pretty well when my father traded this one.

Dalen-Kjørholt Mine, Brevik, Porsgrunn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway

Dalen mines has an extent of approximately 250 kilometers and has descended to a depth of 340 meters below the fjord.

A/S Dalen Portland Cementfabrik (DPC) was founded as a limited company on 7 August 1916. In 1988, Norcem Kjørholt bought mines from Norsk Hydro, and the cement factory is the only one in the world with underground mining of limestone.

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