Happy new year.
2020 will be an exiting year for me, and I hope it will be exiting for you too.
Web shop
The last weeks I have added several zircons to the web shop. Many of those are world class specimens collected about 30 years ago. Although I have some good pieces, remember that there are very small chances there will be new material from this field, especially if you are looking for the best material.

I will continue adding more specimens to the web shop, and I plan to start new auctions on e-rocks in the end of January.
New import rules for Norwegian people buying from abroad
For Norwegian people buying from abroad there are new rules from 2020. For Norwegians buying from abroad you will have to pay tax and toll from all of the amount, no matter how small the value is. If I understand correctly new rules will also apply to the EU from 2021.
Personal life
At the time I spend 50% of my time in Alanya, Turkey. I am having a wonderful time here, but I am not sending any stones while i am here. For the future i am looking for solutions where it can be possible to send stones all years.
So I hope you will all have a great and exiting 2020.