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49 mm Quartz from Sør-Varanger

$ 24.99



Sør-Varanger, Finnmark, Norway

Size: 34x49x28 (51,4 gr.)


Artichoke quartz (smaller crystals grown into the bigger one).

Mostly it is damage-free, but you will see a small scar in the top. The quartz is translucent, and a little red coated.

Sør-Varanger, Finnmark, Norway

I remember when me and my father drove to Kirkenes (Sør-Varanger) in July of 1992 to visit one of his mineral friends. On this trip we also went to search for Quartz. While my father and his friend was digging at the most obvious place, I was digging some meters away, and came across a great pocket, where we pulled up a lot of nice specimens from this pocket. It is highly likely that this specimen is from this pocket, but I cannot guarantee that it is from this exact pocket/year.

In my father's collection he has labeled the location as "Midtfjordvannet". I don't find this exact location on the map, but I find a location called "Midtfjordvatnan" which is basically the same.

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