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RESERVED: 54 mm Phantom Calcite from Kjørholt

$ 79.99



Dalen-Kjørholt Mine, Brevik, Porsgrunn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway

Size: 54x22x24 mm (40 gr.)



This one is a beauty. It is a double terminated calcite.  This one is a phantom calcite, where the first generation is covered by small crystals of pyrite.

The crystal is perfect, translucent, double-terminated with perfect top and bottom.

There are a couple of tiny white nicks on the top.

Please watch the video for a better view:

The pictures and the video are shot with extra light to focus on its inner qualities.

I am not quite sure when it was found.  But I and my father visited the mines in December 1992, together with a guy that worked in the mines. At this time he also bought some specimens. I cannot guarantee it is from this year, it could also be found some years later.

Dalen-Kjørholt Mine, Brevik, Porsgrunn, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway

Dalen mines has an extent of approximately 250 kilometers and has descended to a depth of 340 meters below the fjord.

A/S Dalen Portland Cementfabrik (DPC) was founded as a limited company on 7 August 1916. In 1988, Norcem Kjørholt bought mines from Norsk Hydro, and the cement factory is the only one in the world with underground mining of limestone.

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